Culture of Reminiscence as a Part of Cultural Education


  • Kristína Jakubovská Institute of Management of Culture and Tourism, Cultural Studies and Ethnology, Constantine The Philosopher University in Nitra, Hodžova 1, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia
  • Viera Jakubovská Department of Philosophy and Political Sciences, Constantine The Philosopher University in Nitra, Hodžova 1, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia



reminiscence, cultural education, cultural institution, individual memory, collective memory, social frames of memory


Aim. The study explores the importance of culture of reminiscence with its identificational and integrational potential for the society and the ways that culture of reminiscence is applied within cultural institutions by means of cultural education.

Methods. We used several scientific methods such as relational and content analysis, observation, induction and heuristics.

Results. The research study summarises the role of cultural institutions within the culture of reminiscence and outlines various forms of reminiscence to be observed in cultural educational programmes. It explains the potential of cultural institutions and the roles they play within collective commemorating. It has interdisciplinary and applicational character and includes practical tips for cultural managers and cultural educators.

Conclusion. Collective memory is an important condition for reproduction of culture and cultural identities. Individual memory is determined by social and cultural contexts (reference to Maurice Halbwachs´s social frames of memory). Cultural education naturally works with the notions of collective memory, traditions, identity and reminiscence. At the same time, it resembles a tool by means of which cultural identity, character and collective memory of individuals and social groups can be consciously shaped. Beside identificational context, there is also a prospective integrational and inclusive potential of cultural education. Several forms of reminiscence are applied within cultural education: reminiscence as reconstruction; reminiscence as (re)interpretation; reminiscence as creation; reminiscence as prevention and civic involvement; reminiscence as a tool of forming cultural identity; reminiscence as an expert reflection.


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Author Biographies

  • Kristína Jakubovská, Institute of Management of Culture and Tourism, Cultural Studies and Ethnology, Constantine The Philosopher University in Nitra, Hodžova 1, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia

    She is a cultural scientist and lecturer at The Department of Cultural Studies, The Faculty of Arts, Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra. She received her PhD. in 2015 with the dissertation on 'Internationalisation and Multiculturalism'. In her research and academic work she deals with the topics of cultural identity, cultural dynamics, interculturalism and transculturalism, revitalisation of cultural traditions revitalisation and education in the field of culture. She also reflects on the Ukrainian culture and traditions with her focus being on The Ukrainian Cossackhood, its pedagogy and current revitalisation.  

  • Viera Jakubovská, Department of Philosophy and Political Sciences, Constantine The Philosopher University in Nitra, Hodžova 1, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia

    She is an associate professor at the Department of Philosophy and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Arts,  Constantine The Philosopher University in Nitra. She is a philosopher and esthetician, the author of several monographs, teaching texts, anthologies, scientific and professional articles in the field of philosophy, aesthetics, media education, sociology of media, philosophy of culture and multicultural education. These topics make up not only her scientific and research profile, but also her pedagogical profile. 


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How to Cite

Jakubovská, K., & Jakubovská, V. (2023). Culture of Reminiscence as a Part of Cultural Education. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 14(1), 33-52.