Architectural and Urban Design of Public Space Based on Social Cooperation



Słowa kluczowe:

architecture, urbanism, social cooperation, public space, participation



The subject of this work are contemporary methods of designing public space based on cooperation with city users. At present, authorities of the cities attempt to involve citizens in the process of architectural change. The key component of the series of research are designing processes composed of various social consultations, architectural workshops and competitions, in which the resident's need to shape the city is visible and evident.


The author of article will indicate varied methods of designing public space involving citizens, based on experiences of Warsaw (Poland), and conducted analysis of design processes and results.

Results and Conclusion

Architecture is a reflection of political and economic situation but is also a reflection of citizens way of living. The gap between city users and professionals might be filled with social cooperation process. The residents knowledge of the space is essential to build and transform the cities in a way to fulfill the user’s needs and requirements. 


Statystyki pobrań niedostępne.

Biogram autora

  • Agnieszka Lewandowska - Wydział Architektury Politechnika Warszawska

    She graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at Warsaw University of Technology (WAPW).

    Since 2016, assistant at the Designing Department at Faculty of Architecture at Warsaw University of Technology. Member of Association of Polish Architects (SARP).

    Her academic interest is strongly related to the topic of PHD thesis – public space design based on interdisciplinary research methods.


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Jak cytować

Lewandowska, A. (2018). Architectural and Urban Design of Public Space Based on Social Cooperation. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 9(2), 187-194.