From Foreign Languages to a Profession: The Professional Identity Formation During the Lessons of a Foreign Language for Special Purposes (Lexical and Professional Aspects)


  • Ekaterina Samorodova Department of the French Language of Moscow State Institute of International Relations, MGIMO University Prospekt Vernadskogo 76, 119454, Moscow, Russia
  • Irina Belyaeva Department of German Language of Moscow State Institute of International Relations, MGIMO University Prospekt Vernadskogo 76, 119454, Moscow, Russia
  • Tatiana Bragina Department of French Language of Moscow State Institute of International Relations, MGIMO University Prospekt Vernadskogo 76, 119454, Moscow, Russia


Słowa kluczowe:

professional identity language of specialty, interdisciplinary approach, language for special purposes, international law


Thesis. The authors of the study consider important issues of the professional competencies formation during the process of teaching a foreign language to law students as a process of their professional identity formation. The authors had to identify by interviewing students what types of exercises help them to master their chosen speciality in a foreign language.

Methods. The authors rely on comparative, competitive methods, as the interdisciplinary approach principles. Comparing the programmes of teaching a foreign language of speciality and international law, the authors build a system of a single learning process as one of forming a professional identity.

Results. Authors of the study tried to build the process methodology of teaching the language of the speciality as a formative one of students’ professional identity. The authors cited as an example the system of methods and exercises used in the language lessons of the speciality, with the aim of formation of not only linguistic but also legal professional competencies.

Conclusion. The process of forming a professional identity in the process of studying at a university is one of the most important in the development of the professional personality of a future specialist. Teaching a foreign language in humanitarian universities is an important process which should be revised in accordance with the main discipline teaching programmes. It’s important to create such methodological complexes that would allow the speciality language lessons to bring the learning process as close as possible to a professional one.


Statystyki pobrań niedostępne.

Biogramy autorów

  • Ekaterina Samorodova - Department of the French Language of Moscow State Institute of International Relations, MGIMO University Prospekt Vernadskogo 76, 119454, Moscow, Russia

    Associate Professor of the French Language and international law Departments of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University),  PhD in law.

    Author of books and methods of teaching foreign languages and researcher in the field of international relations and law.


  • Irina Belyaeva - Department of German Language of Moscow State Institute of International Relations, MGIMO University Prospekt Vernadskogo 76, 119454, Moscow, Russia

    Associate Professor of German Language Department of Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Specialist in teaching foreign languages.

     (MGIMO University), (119454, Moscow, Prospekt Vernadskogo, 76), Candidate of Sciences in Philology.

  • Tatiana Bragina - Department of French Language of Moscow State Institute of International Relations, MGIMO University Prospekt Vernadskogo 76, 119454, Moscow, Russia

    Senior teacher in the department of French Language of Moscow State Institute. Specialist in teaching French languages of International Relations, MGIMO University.


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Jak cytować

Samorodova, E., Belyaeva, I., & Bragina, T. (2022). From Foreign Languages to a Profession: The Professional Identity Formation During the Lessons of a Foreign Language for Special Purposes (Lexical and Professional Aspects). Journal of Education Culture and Society, 13(1), 127-142.