General Soft Skills and Sub-competencies Developing Plurilingual Intercultural Competence by Students´ Self-Reflective Understanding


  • Erich Petlák Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok, Hrabovská cesta 1A, 034 01 Ružomberokm, Slovakia
  • Jana Birova Faculty of Education, Department of French Language and Literature, Charles University in Prague, Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Praha 1, Czech Republic



soft skills, competencies, pupils, students, social existence, plurilingual intercultural competence


Aim. The research presents a division of soft skills important for better socialising and being.

Methods. The main method was a questionnaire survey completed by 98 pupils in the 3rd year of the mentioned schools.

Results. We briefly describe the findings of the self-reflective evaluations of the students of two high schools and how they perceive and appreciate their personality in terms of soft skills. We mainly focused on social and personality skills from several areas and divisions of soft skills.

Conclusion. Education must pay more consistent attention to the development of these skills because it is soft skills and their use in life that will be key not only for the advancement of the individual but for the advancement of the entire society. Based on our findings from the questionnaire, we make some important recommendations for the students.


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Author Biography

  • Jana Birova, Faculty of Education, Department of French Language and Literature, Charles University in Prague, Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Praha 1, Czech Republic

    Jana Birova works as an associate professor (docent) at the Department of the French Language and Literature, Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague. She is a member of editorial boards and a reviewer of several international scientific journals, including those indexed by Scopus and Web of Science. Her scientific interests are teaching methodology of teaching French and English, French linguistics, plurilingualism and interculturality, adult education, lifelong learning. Jana Birova is the author of more than 80 publications, including articles published in Scopus / Web of Science-indexed journals, conference papers, monographs, university textbooks, and secondary school textbooks. She is also the president of Slovak Teachers of French since 2008. Jana Birova is a member of the European Observatory for Plurilingualism in Paris.  She evaluated universities for Times Higher Education University rankings in 2014/2015 and 2022/2023, Scimago university ranking, and Quacquarelli Symonds. She was invited to the President's palace on December 13, 2022 as a thanking guest for the activities with youth. She received also a thanking letter Gorazdov ďakovný list from the minister of education in 2022. Jana Birova also received some rector´s prices for publications.


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How to Cite

Petlák, E., & Birova, J. (2023). General Soft Skills and Sub-competencies Developing Plurilingual Intercultural Competence by Students´ Self-Reflective Understanding . Journal of Education Culture and Society, 14(2), 257-267.