Nomadic Models of Postmodern Aesthetics: Soteriological Choice of the Teacher


  • Ludmyla Kondratska Department of Musicology and Methodology of Musical Art, Faculty of Arts, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, ul. Maxym Kryvonos 2, 46024 Ternopil, Ukraine
  • Liudmila Romanovska Social work and Pedagogics Department, Humanities Faculty, Khmelnytsky National University, ul. Institutska 11, 29006 Khmelnytsky, Ukraine
  • Tetiana Kravchyna Department of Foreign languages, Faculty of International Relations and Law, Khmelnytsky National University, ul. Institutska 11, 29006 Khmelnytsky, Ukraine
  • Svitlana Kozachenko Department of International Communication and Political Science, Faculty of International Relations and Law, Khmelnytsky National University, ul. Institutska11, 29006 Khmelnytsky, Ukraine
  • Mykola Novak Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Faculty of Health, Psychology, Physical Culture and Sports, Khmelnytsky National University, ul. Institutska11, 29006 Khmelnytsky, Ukraine


Słowa kluczowe:

mestizo paraaesthetics, beauty as a good, metanoia, nomadism as a pilgrimage, aesthetic competence


Aim. The aim of the article is to define the concept of aesthetic competence of the nomad teacher of postmodern era based on a comparative analysis of two aesthetic models (metis paraesthetics and soteriological aesthetics).

Methods. The subject of study is anthropotemporal methodology of acquiring aesthetic competence as an act of spiritual transformation (approaches, paradigm, priorities, criteria of effectiveness). The analysis of the stages of nomad’s dianoic choice in the process of understanding beauty as a boon was carried out using the method of epistemological design, according to which emotions function cognitively in aesthetic experience. The technology of spiritual self-coaching was chosen to activate all the structural components of aesthetic competence – the intention to correct aesthetic apperception and the competencies of emotional-reflective, value-semantic, aesthetic and worldview revaluation.

Results. The implementation of the chosen technology opened up the possibility of reorientation for the nomad teacher: from the drive of the performer-trickster to a humble and grateful anticipation of the beauty as transcendent – to overcoming the power of inertia of previous dependence, responses to the calls of a pure (still “adventurous”) mind. A cluster analysis of the results of the completed tasks was carried out for the regression description of the efficiency of the technology.

Conclusion. The soteriological concept of the aesthetic competence of the nomad teacher focuses attention on the essential coexistence of the teacher with students throughout the entire process of his self-determination. The practical experience of its implementation can make a positive contribution to reforming postmodern aesthetic education.


Statystyki pobrań niedostępne.

Biogramy autorów

  • Ludmyla Kondratska - Department of Musicology and Methodology of Musical Art, Faculty of Arts, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, ul. Maxym Kryvonos 2, 46024 Ternopil, Ukraine

    She is a Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. Her scientific experience is 32 years. After graduating from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University in 1990, she had postgraduate studies at the Research Institute of Personality Development (Moscow) and doctoral studies at the Drahomanov National Pedagogical University. She is head of the research laboratory of spiritual development of the creative personality at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. Her research interests include epistemology, Ukrainian art, music anthropology.

  • Liudmila Romanovska - Social work and Pedagogics Department, Humanities Faculty, Khmelnytsky National University, ul. Institutska 11, 29006 Khmelnytsky, Ukraine

    She is a Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. She is a founder of a scientific school “Theory and practice of socio-pedagogical activity and social-psychological assistance in Ukraine and abroad”, that carries out fundamental and applied research in the field of social work, social pedagogy, psychology, and professional pedagogy. Since 2005 she has been a member of the Ukrainian Union of Psychologists and Psychotherapists. Luidmyla Romanovska is also a co-founder and member of the public organization “League of Social Workers of Khmelnytsky Region”.

  • Tetiana Kravchyna - Department of Foreign languages, Faculty of International Relations and Law, Khmelnytsky National University, ul. Institutska 11, 29006 Khmelnytsky, Ukraine

    She is Associate Professor, has PhD degree in Psychology. Since 2002 she has been teaching English and German at Khmelnytsky National University. She is the author of more than 80 scientific publications. She is a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal “Psychology Travelogs”. Her research interests include psychology of education, psycholinguistics, methodology of teaching foreign languages. Her dissertation thesis dealt with the study of the peculiarities of foreign scientific text understanding.

  • Svitlana Kozachenko - Department of International Communication and Political Science, Faculty of International Relations and Law, Khmelnytsky National University, ul. Institutska11, 29006 Khmelnytsky, Ukraine

    She is Associate Professor, has PhD degree in Pedagogy. She is a developer of the educational and methodological complex for the study of the courses “Philosophy”, “General Sociology”, “Basics of Professional Ethics”, “Methodology of Teaching Socio-Political Disciplines”, “Ethics and Aesthetics”. She is also a co-organizer and active participant of the discussion club "Argument", the aim of which is to form students’ conscious view to skillfully discuss philosophical, social, and cultural topics.

  • Mykola Novak - Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Faculty of Health, Psychology, Physical Culture and Sports, Khmelnytsky National University, ul. Institutska11, 29006 Khmelnytsky, Ukraine

    He is a post graduate student. He graduated from Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture in 2020. In 2022, he entered postgraduate studies at Khmelnytsky National University (specialty: Psychology). Scientific interests: psychology of overcoming stress and crisis situations, philosophy of education, social work. The title of the dissertation: Social and psychological conditions for the development of specialists’ stress resistance in the social sphere in the conditions of war.


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Jak cytować

Kondratska, L., Romanovska, L., Kravchyna, T., Kozachenko, S., & Novak, M. (2023). Nomadic Models of Postmodern Aesthetics: Soteriological Choice of the Teacher. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 14(1), 435-450.