Reymont's The Vampire: the beginning of infernal doom


  • Anna Adamczyk


Słowa kluczowe:

labyrinth, entropy, reversed colonialism, suburbia/ transurbia


In The Vampire Reymont presents London as the imperial city falling into decline, where Polish immigrants, who lack identity, wander timelessly. It is also a place where a mercantile society is immersed in a reality dominated by technological development. Reymont's novel allows us to analyse the space of London at the end of the 19th century, and the human fate which is determined by this space. In my paper I would like to focus on the analysis of the city space,including the division into centre and suburbs of London, and losing the way in a maze (a maze of streets and a maze of subconsciousness of the main characters), the consequences of abandoning sacrum, entropy, and the crisis of family and art. The interesting vision of London created by Reymont gives us answers to a few important questions. Do the Polish immigrants find themselves in a new reality? How does the experience of a modern city affect people's lives? Why cannot contemporary man find his place in the surrounding world?


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Jak cytować

Adamczyk, A. . (2020). Reymont’s The Vampire: the beginning of infernal doom. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 1(1), 110-121.