The financial crisis and securitization


  • Ewa Szabłowska


Słowa kluczowe:

securitization, financial crisis, subprime, Polish financial market


Securitization means the change of non-liquid assets into securities. This topic has become more popular, mainly due to the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis. In this article, an analysis is given of the current situation in financial markets and the changes, which were implemented from the first days of subprime crisis. Also mentioned is the impact the crisis has had on securitization development. Part of the article is devoted to the situation on the Polish financial market. It is quite a new market and it is susceptible to such crises. The Article presents the part played by securitization in the Polish financial market and the circumstances for its growth in the near future. It also covers the latest information related to financial market regulations, which could have direct or indirect impact on the quantity and value of securitization transactions.


Statystyki pobrań niedostępne.



Jak cytować

Szabłowska, E. . (2020). The financial crisis and securitization. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 1(1), 37-48.