“...Superman and the princess lived happily ever after”. On the programme of univer-sal development of socially maladjusted youth


  • Wioleta KajaK



Słowa kluczowe:

inner resources, social competence, social role, comprehensive develop-ment, re-education


Among awhole range of offers of re-education available at the international market certain gaps exist, leading to the limitation of the effectiveness of the return of maladju-sted persons to society. The present article includes asuggestion of individual re-education programme of youth as well as life skills development allowing for effective functioning according to correct social roles. Perhaps, due to its comprehensive character, the present suggestion will serve to complement the formerly neglected areas of interaction.


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Jak cytować

KajaK, W. . (2020). “...Superman and the princess lived happily ever after”. On the programme of univer-sal development of socially maladjusted youth. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 2(2), 16-26. https://doi.org/10.15503/jecs20112.16.26