Pedagogical Problems During the Pandemic: A Study of Issues and Challenges in Teaching


  • Basem Okleh Salameh Al-Hawamdeh Department of English, College of Sciences and Humanities in Alkharj, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University Abdullah Bin Amer Street, 16278, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Słowa kluczowe:

pedagogical problems, pandemic, educational transformation, issues and challenges in teaching, online learning in education during crisis


Concept. COVID-19 has pressed the need for social distancing that was unprecedentedly invoked across societies during the pandemic. The governments that launched emergency steps to divert physical learning systems into online pedagogical alternatives created critical possibilities and adverse challenges for both tutors and learners. The study aims to review several cases concluding that the closure of schools and colleges has impacted around 94% of the student population across globe. The present study tries to comprehend the transformation (both expansion and constraints) in the pedagogical processes comparing results and feedback from both developed and developing nations.

Result and Discussion. The study made a far-reaching analysis on the sweeping impact of COVID-19 at the integrative three-tier educational level i.e., primary, secondary and higher education in two separate perspectives i.e., teachers and learners. The restrictive movement policies adopted by governments have changed the conventional (face-to-face) educational practices. The findings suggest that different populations faced different problems during the pandemic because of number of reasons which is discussed and highlighted in the study.

Originality. In order to map efficacy and efficiency, the principles, difficulties, and praxis of online educational pedagogy have been comprehensively examined in the study. The key contribution of the research is the result claiming the potential of technology as well as the obstacles faced by students while learning, due to digital mechanisms.


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Biogram autora

  • Basem Okleh Salameh Al-Hawamdeh - Department of English, College of Sciences and Humanities in Alkharj, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University Abdullah Bin Amer Street, 16278, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    Dr. Basem Okleh Salameh Al-Hawamdeh is presently working at Department of English, College of Science and Humanities in Al-Kharj, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia. He has been teaching English for over 6 years.


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Jak cytować

Al-Hawamdeh, B. O. S. (2022). Pedagogical Problems During the Pandemic: A Study of Issues and Challenges in Teaching. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 13(2), 205-220.