Impact of student exclusion (including from the SPE) on their digitisation behaviour in social media


  • Marcin Prościak University of Silesia, Bankowa 12, 40-007 Katowice, Poland
  • Beata Prościak Technical School Complex in Leżajsk, ul. Mickiewicza 67, 37-300 Leżajsk


Słowa kluczowe:

digital exclusion, social exclusion, youth, SEN, special educational needs, networking social, media, social


Aim. The aim of this thesis is to present the impact of students exclusion (including SPEs) on their virtual behaviour in social media. Students with no special educational needs and those with SEN were taken into account. The relationship between exclusion of SPE and digitisation exclusion will be indicated . In addition, social exclusion in the family area was included.

Methods: The analysis was based on statistical methods, such as: range, standard deviation, variance. Surveys were used. They were conducted on the Internet through the Facebook social portal on a national and global scale.

Results: Respondents from around the world feel more excluded by the SPE than respondents in Poland. In contrast, respondents from the SPE use fewer social networking sites than in groups of computer players, both in Poland and worldwide.

Conclusions: In Poland, SPE is not a barrier to communication with peers for most respondents, unlike global respondents. Respondents from the SPE spend less time on social portals because it absorbs their time devoted to learning, which can be an indicator of digital exclusion.

Cognitive value: The originality of the research is to focus on introducing the global and Polish scale of the problem excluding students from SPE from the social media, which was calculated by the author’s method based on the indicator digital exclusion.


Statystyki pobrań niedostępne.

Biogramy autorów

  • Marcin Prościak - University of Silesia, Bankowa 12, 40-007 Katowice, Poland

    Student, educational diagnostician, computer games developer

    Student at the University of Silesia in Katowice in the Faculty of Computer Science and Materials Science in the field of Computer Engineering (specialization: Web Application Design) full-time course. His scientific achievements include scientific publications and presentations in the field of educational diagnostics during national scientific conferences: XXIV and XXV National Conference on Educational Diagnostics in 2018 and 2019.

    The author of computer games projects, e.g. the game "Agony of Astral", on the GameJolt game portal Passionate about collector's card games, among others Yu-Gi-Oh !. The author of a card game created entirely by hand with a collection of over 7000 cards. A computer games and web application programmer by profession.

  • Beata Prościak - Technical School Complex in Leżajsk, ul. Mickiewicza 67, 37-300 Leżajsk


    Awarded doctorate degree of the humanities at the Pedagogical University of Krakow (2003). She cooperated with the University of Management in Rzeszów. Over the period of 2005-2013, she lectured on subjects such as an image of a public figure, the culture of language, journalistic rhetoric and ericism in the field of Journalism and Social Communication also social communication in the field of Marketing and Management. She was also a lecturer for many years at the East-European State College in Przemyśl – over the period of 2004-2010 (she lectured on Polish language and literature teaching methodology, the linguistic option).

    She gained experience in working with young people as a qualified teacher at Tadeusz Kościuszko Technical Education School Complex in Leżajsk (in 1996-2020). In addition, she cooperates with Central Examination Board in Warsaw, Education Development Center in Warsaw and with Ministry of Education in Warsaw. The Department of Textbooks, Programs and Innovation agreed to the dissemination of her scientific achievements and commissioned their distribution among school principals, teachers and libraries throughout Poland and on the website of Center for Education Development in Warsaw.

    She is the author of 37 scientific publications with a very wide range of interests but focused on didactics, pedagogy and issues related to education.

    In recognition of her achievements in professional work on October 10, 2019, in the Column Hall of the Podkarpackie Voivodship Office, she was decorated with the Medal of Commission of National Education. It was awarded on July 11, 2019, by the Ministry of National Education for her special services to education.


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Jak cytować

Prościak, M. ., & Prościak, B. (2020). Impact of student exclusion (including from the SPE) on their digitisation behaviour in social media. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 11(1), 203-224.