Reducing architecture to an image



Słowa kluczowe:

architecture, image, sacred space


Aim. The subject of this work is reduction of architecture complexity to particular image, deprived of its context and time. The author aims to present the problem of perceiving architecture through visual experience only.

Methods. The author of the article describes the process of reduction basing on example of iconic sacred building – Church if the Light, designed by Japanese architect Tadao Ando.  The analysis of all stages of transformation and reinterpretation of original complex design is conducted. The aim is to  indicate how misrepresentation of design and reduction to particular image was transferred to architecture once again.

Results and Conclusion.  The essential conclusion of the article is the impact and power of image culture. The author of the article indicates how contemporary world of pictures influences human perception of space and limit it to one sense – sight.



Statystyki pobrań niedostępne.

Biogram autora

  • Agnieszka Lewandowska - Wydział Architektury Politechnika Warszawska

    Architekt. Absolwentka Wydziału Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej. Członkini Stowarzyszenia Architektów Polskich.

    Od 2016 roku pracuje na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej w Katedrze Projektowania Architektonicznego. Współprowadzi zajęcia projektowe związane z przestrzenia publiczną w miastach oparte na współpracy interdyscyplinarnej.  


Ando, T. (1996). Spatial composition and nature [TYTUŁ TŁUMACZONY NA J. ANG]. Madrid: El Croquis: Tadao Ando 1983-1993, edición conjunta omnibus volume 44+58.

Ando, T. (1987). The wall as Territorial Delineation. The Japan Architect, 254.

Baek, J. (2009). Nothingness: Tadao Ando’s Christian Sacred Space. Abingdon: Routledge.

Dal Co, F. (1996). Tadao Ando. Complete Works. Londyn: Phaidon Press Limited.

Mairs, J. (2017). Tadao Ando creates full-scale mock up of Church of the Light for Tokyo exhibition. Retrieved from:

Paiva, R. (2017). Light and Shadow. The importance of light in the Church of Sta. Maria and the Church of Light, of Siza and Ando. Retrieved from:



Jak cytować

Lewandowska, A. (2019). Reducing architecture to an image. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 10(2), 239-244.