Selected Aspects in the Perception of Sustainability Values Among Religious Education Teaching Students
sustainable development, values, acceptance, knowledge, students of religious education, school environmentAbstract
Aim. The article describes the attitudes of students of religious education towards the values of sustainable development. It examines the degree of knowledge of these values and their practical reflection in the monitored group
Concept. We carried out a preliminary examination through interviews and a questionnaire. The questions focused on the knowledge of the values of sustainable development and ways of their interpretation by respondents.
Results. Students have adequate to poor knowledge of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They do not understand their connection with religious values and have no motivation to apply these values in their pedagogical practice.
Conclusion. It is appropriate to innovate curricula where future religious teachers are trained to strengthen education in the values of sustainability. It is necessary to support education aimed at understanding sustainable development as a key aspect of school education.
Cognitive value. Complementing curriculum content with sustainable development values creates support for social cohesion and inclusion, which is crucial for a sustainable society.
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