Mining and its Environmental Impacts in the Process of Geographical Education in the Context of Sustainable Development
environmental impacts of mining, training and education, fieldwork, project teaching, didactics of geographyAbstract
Aim. The aim of the study is the proposal of didactic activities that can be used in the teaching process of the geography with possibilities of interdisciplinary penetration. Based on these activities, students can take a critical approach to solving problems of nature and landscape protection.
Methods. The teaching methods were adapted to the revised Bloom's taxonomy of goals, while mainly classical general didactic teaching methods were used: interpretation method, information-receptive method, heuristic method. Innovative methods included the EUR learning and thinking strategy, brainstorming and quickstorming..
Results. With the proposed activities, we point to the need to implement scientific knowledge into the teaching process because the content of geography also focuses on the links between the country and human society, using the example of mining.
Conclusion. Historic, but also contemporary places with a high intensity of mining, whether it is the mining of mineral raw materials or the production of wood, represent ideal model territories for complex geographical education with a high interdisciplinary character and the connection of interdisciplinary relations from other scientific disciplines. Therefore, the proposed activities are a suitable tool.
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