Raising and Educating Children in a Roma Family to Practice their Faith Through Roma Customs


  • Zuzana Budayová Catholic university, Faculty of Theology, Theological Institute, Spišská Kapitula 12, 053 04 Spišské Podhradie, Slovakia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6171-3384
  • Marie Roubalová Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University in Prague, Pacovská 350/4, 140 00 Praha 4- Krč, Czech Republic
  • José Garcia Martin Department of Sociology, Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology ,University of Granada Calle Rector López Argüeta s/n, 18001 Granada, Spain https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7401-0613
  • Henrich Grežo Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 1, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia
  • Julinda Cilingiri Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, University of Durrës „Aleksandër Moisiu“, Kampusi i Ri Universitar, Rr. Miquësia, Spitallë, 2001 Durrës, Albania https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0180-3596




education, customs, faith, God, family


Aim. The main aim of the paper is to highlight the education of children in Roma families to practice their faith through Roma customs. The authors identify the practice of faith in Roma holidays which are baptism, sacrament of Eucharist and Confirmation, funeral.

Methods. The authors use the literary-descriptive method which they use for analytical-synthetic gathering of professional and scientific knowledge. They overlap these with the practical field empirical experience of the authors dealing with the issue.

Results. The Roma family is a patriarchal constitution ensuring the transmission of the cultural and customary heritage of the Roma. Through education by imitation, children learn through the customs and habits of their relatives to observe and practice the faith, thus ensuring the continuation of the family line in a living faith.

Conclusion. The Roma have adopted majority Christianity in Slovakia as their own. However, Roma groups retain their customs and rituals, which they have incorporated into their religion and practice of faith. For the Roma, religion and its association with customs and traditions is a connection to God. Therefore, these rituals need to be observed in order to be handed down to the next generation.


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Author Biographies

  • Zuzana Budayová, Catholic university, Faculty of Theology, Theological Institute, Spišská Kapitula 12, 053 04 Spišské Podhradie, Slovakia

    Zuzana Budayová comes from the Spiš village of Odorín. After her studies at the secondary medical school in Levoča, she studied at Trnava university (alma mater), where she successfully completed her master’s (2004) and PhDr. (2006) studies. Her master’s degree in special pedagogy (2019) and the doctoral studies (2012) were both completed at the Pedagogical faculty at the Catholic university in Ružomberok. Since 2006, she has been working the Catholic university in Ružomberok, Theological faculty, Theological institute in Spišské Podhradie. As an assistant professor, she lectures in the areas of social work, methods and approaches of social work, addiction, charity work, biology, field social work, and many others. She also supervises the professional practice of students, and addresses the issues related to the Roma population.

  • Marie Roubalová, Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University in Prague, Pacovská 350/4, 140 00 Praha 4- Krč, Czech Republic

    ThDr.,ThD. - She teaches Hebrew at the Hussite Theological Faculty in Charles University in Prague. Her main interests are Jewish culture, writing, study, interpretation of the Tanakh and the philosophy of Soren Kierkegaard.

  • José Garcia Martin, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology ,University of Granada Calle Rector López Argüeta s/n, 18001 Granada, Spain

    Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Granada since
    October 2011, currently teaching Concepts, Theories and Methods in Sociological Research
    and Introduction to Social Change. He has also organised and directed a Seminar on Søren A.
    Kierkegaard since 2012, as well as various international events on this author, such as the
    bicentenary of his birth (2013). He is President of the Hispanic Society of Friends of
    Kierkegaard (S.H.A.K.), of which he was its promoter and co-founder (2007). He holds a PhD
    in Philosophy with distinction Cum laudem (2007) and Extraordinary Doctorate Award from
    the University of Malaga (2012). All his research work has been (and is) related, directly or
    indirectly, to the work and thought of Søren A. Kierkegaard, of whom he wrote his thesis The
    Doctrine of the Individual in the Diary of Søren A. Kierkegaard. As a result of this research
    work, he studied the Danish language in order to be able to translate the original texts of the
    distinguished Dane. He obtained an official certificate in Danish from the University of
    Copenhagen (lower intermediate), after receiving a scholarship from the Ministry of Foreign
    Affairs for a course at the University of Copenhagen (1996). Research fellow at The Hong
    Kierkegaard Library, St. Olaf College, Northfield (Minnesota, USA), in August 2009
    (Summer Fellow Program). He has also been at the Department of General and Applied
    Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Constantine the Philosopher University, Nitra, Slovak
    Republic (September 2010 and February 2019). At this faculty he received the
    commemorative medal in recognition of his international research work at an international
    congress held there in 2010. Current lines or focuses of research: Individual and society in
    Kierkegaard. The socio-epistemic problem of knowledge: ideology, communication and
    education. Ideology and utopia as factors of social change.

  • Henrich Grežo, Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 1, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia

    The author focuses on the application of information and communication technologies in ecology and environmental studies (following-up his previous practice in the field of information systems management and programming). In his research activities, he focuses on the use of geographic information systems (GIS) technologies in landscape ecological research and spatial analyses. In his publications, he has pointed out several times the justification of the use of historical map data for the interpretation of spatial relationships also in the current country, especially in connection with the occurrence of flood risk and threat as well as in connection with the assessment of trends and changes in secondary landscape structure. In addition to pedagogical and internationally accepted publishing activities (WoS, SCOPUS), he also manages the GIS laboratory of the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra and the administration of several web pages within the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra and SAS. He has participated in the implementation of several national projects (APVV, KEGA, VEGA, SAŽP- Slovak Environment Agency). He is currently a co-researcher of the H2020-SPOT project focusing on cultural tourism.

  • Julinda Cilingiri, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, University of Durrës „Aleksandër Moisiu“, Kampusi i Ri Universitar, Rr. Miquësia, Spitallë, 2001 Durrës, Albania

    Julinda Cilingiri

    Responsible of lecturing Educational Psychology to the first level of study (bachelor) and Advanced Educational Psychology (Master degree), Administering Social and Community Projects, Volunteer Services in Community to the second level students (master degree). Also, part of this position's responsibilities are planning, implementing and participating in thematic workshops, training and research with focus to teachers and pre-university education level institutions related to education and social issues. Part time lecturer of the course "Social policies and the role of advocacy in children's issues", in the master degree level by the Department of Social work and Social Policies, in the Faculty of Social Sciences, UT.


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How to Cite

Budayová, Z., Roubalová, M., Martin, J. G., Grežo, H., & Cilingiri, J. (2023). Raising and Educating Children in a Roma Family to Practice their Faith Through Roma Customs. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 14(2), 456-467. https://doi.org/10.15503/jecs2023.2.456.467