We Must Protect Children but Also Their Grandparents: A Qualitative Understanding of Older Adults’ General Perceptions and Understanding of Social Networks
Older adults, social networks, knowledge level, motivations, benefits, challenges, digital citizenshipAbstract
Aim. Research on older adults (≥ 60) repeatedly confirms that the use of social networks has a rather positive effect on these users. The indicated trend leads us to the research of older adults with a focus on their motivations and challenges when using social networking sites.
Methods. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with twenty-four older adults in Slovakia. The aim was to uncover the deeper processes and details that the members of the selected sample experience when using social networks.
Results. The thematic analysis revealed a disproportion between low knowledge of social networks and willingness to use them in theresearch sample (Q1). While older adults rated their knowledge of social networks with a school grade of 4, they do not see this as an obstacle to their increasingly frequent use of social networks. Within the second research area (Q2), a set of seven motivations derived from the use of social networks among respondents were identified. Finally, four main challenges (Q3) were identified in the research.
Conclusion. Research findings confirms not only older adults’ growing interest in using social networks, but also the need for adequate media education with a focus on ‘digital citizenship’, which emphasises both, skills and also knowledge.
Cognitive value. When using social networks among older adults, their family members are the driving force behind respondents’ understanding (knowledge) and technological progress (practical skills). There is the necessity of advancement of digital competencies of older adults.
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