The Great Depression. Informal Citizenship Education in a Usurpatory Democracy


  • Aleksander Kobylarek Institute of Pedagogy, University of Wrocław, J. Wł. Dawida 1, 50-527 Wrocław, Poland
  • Martyna Madej Institute of Political Sciences, University of Wrocław, ul. Koszarowa 3, 51-149 Wrocław, Poland



informal education, citizenship education, democracy, politics, usurpation


Many countries have had people in power who were mower-mad and hungry for money as their representatives. In the case of Poland, there is quiet acquiescence to unethical actions by the authorities for the sake of one's own benefits, and a commonly accepted aversion to politicians (Zalec, 2022). of all kinds, which may be linked to the country's history. Those in power have become usurpers who do not care about the rules, the constitution or EU law, nor are they afraid of any punishment. Those who oppose these precedents become enemies, murderers or are accused of spreading propaganda. The country is divided into two camps - those who support the current government and those who are against it. The consequences do not only affect individuals, they are sometimes extended to entire municipalities where the current ruling party has lost the election. Ignorance or lack of civic knowledge can cause some voters to ignore the fact/not realise that their passivity is nevertheless supporting the current government. Crucial to combating this phenomenon is reliable informal citizenship education, carried out in an ongoing, emotionally charged way, appealing to the positive sides of informed citizenship and not discouraging to politics. The value of democracy should be taught. People should become open to discussing democracy, and the media should also repeat such positive messages. It is also important to remember what has happened by now.


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Author Biographies

  • Aleksander Kobylarek, Institute of Pedagogy, University of Wrocław, J. Wł. Dawida 1, 50-527 Wrocław, Poland

    PhD in humanities, assistant professor at the University of Wrocław (Poland) in Departament of Pedagogy, manager of the University of the Third Age in the University of Wrocław up to 2016, author of more than 100 scientific publications, including articles, books, chapters, editor-in-chief of international scientific "Journal of Education Culture and Society" and "Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk (Gardens of Science and Arts).

  • Martyna Madej, Institute of Political Sciences, University of Wrocław, ul. Koszarowa 3, 51-149 Wrocław, Poland

    MA student of social project management at the University of Wrocław. Bachelor of Arts in English philology. Triple awarded with the rector’s scholarship for the best students, awarded with the scholarship of the Polish Minister of Education and Science. Since her first year she is helping in organising national and international academic conferences. She is the president of the national academic conference “Talenty” and the secretary of international academic conference “Education Culture and Society”.  Editor of "Journal of Education Culture and Society".  She has got experience in multiple international educational and research projects as manager, coordinator, and trainer.


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How to Cite

Kobylarek, A., & Madej, M. (2023). The Great Depression. Informal Citizenship Education in a Usurpatory Democracy. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 14(1), -16.