Peer Mediation as a Means of Eliminating Conflict in the School Environment
Keywords: conflict, mediation, conflict resolution, peer mediation, social pathology, school environmentAbstract
Aim. Peer mediation is a tool for the prevention of socio-pathological phenomena occurring in the school environment, is an opportunity to resolve conflicts through reconciliation. The paper focuses on the perception of the importance of peer mediation and on the presentation of the results of a questionnaire survey, the aim of which was to determine the respondents’ preferences after completion of the project process.
Methods. The aim of the questionnaire survey was to determine how pupils and students perceive peer mediation. The survey sample consisted of selected pupils from 6 primary schools aged 10 to 15 years and students from 6 secondary schools aged 15 to 18 years. The questionnaire was completed at the beginning (year 2020 - N = 189, including 90 primary school pupils) and end of the project implementation (year 2021 - N = 124, including 56 primary school pupils).
Results. The responses in the entry and exit questionnaires, the respondents declared after participating in the project process an increase in their experience with peer mediation, expressed an interest in becoming peer mediators and resolving personal and school conflicts through peer mediation.
Conclusion. Peer mediation engages pupils in a common dialogue to resolve conflicts at school through reconciliation and is a suitable way to prevent undesirable social phenomena in the school environment. The results of the research showed that respondents preferred peer mediation and perceived it as an appropriate form of conflict resolution in the school environment.
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