Teaching language and speech to students of stage acting (ADU in Zagreb and AGRFT in Ljubljana)
teaching actors, language and speech, stage speech, orthoepy, speech stylisticsAbstract
In the article we describe the methods of teaching language and speech at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb (Croatia) and at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in Ljubljana (Slovenia). We start by describing how language and speech are taught as individual subjects, we present the trends in teaching language and speech and compare the teaching practices at both academies. The main part of the article intends to show the connection between theory and practice in teaching, which should result in a stronger connection between the scientific and artistic approach in teaching. The goal of comparing the teaching practices at both academies is to show the similarities and differences in teaching and to explicitly present models of teaching and models of assessing the speech of actors, which have proved to be indisputable according to the comparison.
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