Appreciation, Analysis and Creation in the Teaching-learning of the Plastic Arts


  • Leandro Ernesto Prado Soriano Department of Theoretical Studies of the Visual Arts, Faculty of Visual Arts University of the Arts of Cuba Calle 120 # 904 entre 9na y 23. Cubanacán. Playa, La Habana, Cuba
  • Geovannys Montero Zayas Department of Theoretical Studies, Faculty of Audiovisual Media Art, University of the Arts Calle 120 # 904 entre 9na y 23. Cubanacán. Playa, La Habana, Cuba & Department of Spanish-Literature, Faculty of Language and Communication, University of Camagüey Carretera Circunvalación Norte, sin número, Camagüey, Cuba
  • Stanislav Šurín Theological Institute in Spišské Podhradie, Catholic University in Ružomberok Spišská Kapitula 12, 034 01 Ružomberok, Slovakia
  • Zita Jenisová Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Tr. A. Hlinku 1, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia



Didactics, plastic education, plastic arts, visual image analysis


Aim. The Didactics of the Plastic Education is necessarily nourished by the general didactics and the arts, as well as by their particular methodologies, in aspects related to the teaching-learning of the textual analysis, and specifically, the study of the visual code (iconic and visual signs, tropes or rhetorical figures, etc.), which dialogues with theory, semiotics, cultural anthropology, among other sciences.

Methods. In academic research, methods such as the analysis of the results of pedagogical activity, ethnographic or experiential and inductive-deductive methods were used.

Results. The Didactics of a Plastic Education requires an urgent review that includes, from its most general principles and laws, to the aspects related to the selection and sequencing of content, the role of the student's plastic education in achieving a social model, the distinctions between artistic education, aesthetic education and teaching of the plastic arts in all the integrality and complexity of their discourses, the teaching-learning process, its essence and contradictions, the categorical system of the teaching-learning process, among other fundamental aspects. The present study contributes to this rethinking of the theoretical and methodological postulates of the Didactics of Plastic Education, as it proposes as an objective: to argue the didactic principle of the unity between appreciation, analysis and textual creation in the teaching-learning process of the visual image analysis.

Conclusion. This argument constitutes a theoretical contribution to the science, and clarifies, while unifying, criteria and procedures in the pedagogical practice of artists, teachers, instructors and masters of the plastic arts.


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Author Biographies

  • Leandro Ernesto Prado Soriano, Department of Theoretical Studies of the Visual Arts, Faculty of Visual Arts University of the Arts of Cuba Calle 120 # 904 entre 9na y 23. Cubanacán. Playa, La Habana, Cuba

    Assistant Professor of Visual Semiotics and Didactics of the Visual Arts in the Department of Theoretical Studies of the Faculty of Visual Arts, ISA University of the Arts. He carries out Doctorate studies in Educational Sciences at the Central Institute of Pedagogical Sciences, in Havana, Cuba. His doctoral thesis offers a pedagogical model and a methodological alternative for the semiotic analysis of the visual image in fifth and sixth grade students of Primary Education. Graduate in Education, specializing in Plastic Arts Instructor (University of Las Tunas, 2017). He has teaching experience in teaching Fine Arts and Semiotics applied to this artistic manifestation. He currently works as Director of International Relations and Cooperation at the University of the Arts of Cuba.

  • Geovannys Montero Zayas, Department of Theoretical Studies, Faculty of Audiovisual Media Art, University of the Arts Calle 120 # 904 entre 9na y 23. Cubanacán. Playa, La Habana, Cuba & Department of Spanish-Literature, Faculty of Language and Communication, University of Camagüey Carretera Circunvalación Norte, sin número, Camagüey, Cuba

    Full Professor of Semiotics in the Department of Theoretical Studies, Faculty of Audiovisual Media Art of the ISA University of the Arts, and Full Professor of Universal Literature in the Department of Spanish-Literature, Faculty of Language and Communication of the University of Camagüey, Cuba. Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences (University of Las Tunas, 2015), Master in Community Cultural Development, Manager of Cultural Change Projects (University of Las Tunas, 2008) and Bachelor of Education, specialty Spanish-Literature (Higher Pedagogical Institute José Martí, Camagüey, 1997). He has extensive teaching experience in cultural research, literary and art semiotics, linguistic studies, and literary and art sciences. Currently works as Vice Chancellor of Research, Postgraduate Studies and International Relations at the ISA University of the Arts, in Havana.

  • Stanislav Šurín, Theological Institute in Spišské Podhradie, Catholic University in Ružomberok Spišská Kapitula 12, 034 01 Ružomberok, Slovakia

    Stanislav Šurín was born in 1971. He is a concert organist, composer and teacher. He studied at conservatories in Bratislava and Vienna, later at VŠMU in Bratislava and also in Graz. He is the organizer of several organ festivals. He worked as an expert advisor during the construction of organs in the Slovak Philharmonic and in the Cathedral of St. Martina. In recent years, he has been studying diplomacy and teaching and leading church music students at the Faculty of Theology, Catholic University in Ružomberok.

  • Zita Jenisová, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Tr. A. Hlinku 1, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia

    She is a university teacher, associate professor at the Department of Chemistry at the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. After completing her university studies in teaching physics and chemistry at the Comenius University Bratislava, she continually deals with departmental didactics with a focus on the theory of teaching chemistry. She completed her doctoral studies in this field at the Comenius University in Bratislava and in 2016 she successfully defended her habilitation thesis at the Trnava University in Trnava. She focuses her research on the didactics of chemistry, school science experiments and digital technologies in the teaching process. She also deals with the implementation of new modern educational methods in the process of teaching natural sciences for the development of critical thinking, creativity and innovation using digital technologies. She is the author of university textbooks, monographs and scientific articles.


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How to Cite

Soriano, L. E. P., Montero Zayas, G. ., Šurín, S., & Jenisová, Z. (2024). Appreciation, Analysis and Creation in the Teaching-learning of the Plastic Arts. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 15(2), 583-597.