Communication Community in the Prefigurative World


  • Aleksander Kobylarek University of Wrocław, Institute of Pedagogy, ul. Dawida 1/3
  • Martyna Madej Institute of Political Sciences, University of Wrocław ul. Koszarowa 3, 51-149 Wrocław, Poland
  • Marie Roubalová Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University in Prague Pacovská 350/4, 140 00 Praha 4- Krč, Czech Republic



communication, seniors, key competencies, community, intergenerational learning, languages, informal education


In the contemporary world, communication goes far beyond the well-known traditional written or spoken forms. For today's digital users, these have become insufficient, as using them, they cannot express their thoughts fully. The youth that has developed its own language, has become more hermetic, but not because it rejects other generations. The reason is the inability of older generations to understand the new ways of communication. Seniors find it challenging to learn how to use new technologies and stay up to date with trends. Although young people are able to understand them, the older generation cannot keep up with the news and stays excluded. The lack of mutual understanding results in weaker bonds. Once again, it is possible to observe ICT as a contemporary key competence essential for an adequate, mutually comprehensible exchange of messages. The best way to connect two generations in this aspect is informal education, especially one focusing on intergenerational activities, which will not only reduce the exclusion of a social group such as seniors but will also let them to develop their critical thinking skills, which in the age of the Internet are crucial. Bringing up both generations in two different 'normalities' does not make any of them inferior but simply different. Investing in education, the desire for self-development and learning about the culture of different generations will not only open people's minds but will also have a positive impact on the development of intergenerational solidarity and mutual understanding.


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Author Biographies

  • Aleksander Kobylarek, University of Wrocław, Institute of Pedagogy, ul. Dawida 1/3

    PhD in humanities, assistant professor at the University of Wrocław (Poland) in Departament of Pedagogy, manager of the University of the Third Age in the University of Wrocław up to 2016, author of more than 100 scientific publications, including articles, books, chapters, editor-in-chief of international scientific "Journal of Education Culture and Society" and "Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk (Gardens of Science and Arts).

  • Martyna Madej, Institute of Political Sciences, University of Wrocław ul. Koszarowa 3, 51-149 Wrocław, Poland

    MA student of social project management at the University of Wrocław. Bachelor of Arts in English philology. Triple awarded with the rector’s scholarship for the best students. In her first year, she joined the scientific club at the University of Wrocław. Since that time, she is helping in organising national and international academic conferences. She is a president of the national academic conference “Talenty” and the international academic conferences “Education Culture and Society”. She has got experience in multiple international educational and research projects as manager, coordinator, and trainer.

  • Marie Roubalová, Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University in Prague Pacovská 350/4, 140 00 Praha 4- Krč, Czech Republic

    ThDr.,ThD. - She teaches Hebrew at the Hussite Theological Faculty in Charles University in Prague. Her main interests are Jewish culture, writing, study, interpretation of the Tanakh and the philosophy of Soren Kierkegaard.


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How to Cite

Kobylarek, A., Madej, M., & Roubalová, M. (2022). Communication Community in the Prefigurative World. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 13(2), 7-16.

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