Brief Solution Focused Therapy in Ukraine to Work with People with Emotional, Cognitive and Behavioural Disorders


  • Nadiia Levus Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Universytetska 1, 79000 Lviv, Ukraine
  • Viktoriia Hupalovska Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Universytetska 1, 79000 Lviv, Ukraine
  • Oleh Salamon Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Universytetska 1, 79000 Lviv, Ukraine
  • Yuliya Yurkiv Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Universytetska 1, 79000 Lviv, Ukraine



Brief Solution Focused Therapy, emotional disorders, cognitive impairments, behavioural disorders, people with disabilities


Aim. To study the way how Brief Solution Focused Therapy (BSFT) tackles emotional, cognitive and behavioural disorders. To provide basic definitions of such disorders and identify major approaches and techniques focusing on Brief Solution Focused Therapy aspects that may be applied in psychotherapeutic works with these people.

Methods. Ana\lysis and synthesis of scientific data regarding defining emotional, cognitive and behavioural disorders. Distinguishing basic diagnostic signs of such disorders in clients. Methods of BSFT psychotherapy.

Results. The following BSFT techniques proved to be the most effective in the work on emotional disorders: problem-free talk, compliments, resource questions and scaling. These techniques can be called the most emotional ones – the techniques that call for your emotions, replenish your psychological resource, help rebuild your emotional attitude to the situation, look at it from a different angle. BSFT-based psycho-correction and psychotherapy of cognitive impairments and behavioural disorders is longer and more fundamental. Effective techniques are goal setting, resource identification, and also there are special turning points, such as the technique of life analysis, which is a variant of scaling as a method, use of coping questions.

Conclusions. BSFT-methods are effective in addressing different disorders – both partial (emotional, behavioural, cognitive) and more complex ones. The fact that BSFT does not focus on the negative emotional conditions, the problem and its causes, enables the depressive clients, grieving clients and clients experiencing loss to relatively fast discover their resources and start building plans, demonstrating how it is possible to optimize the process of overcoming complicated life situations.


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Author Biographies

  • Nadiia Levus, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Universytetska 1, 79000 Lviv, Ukraine

    Nadiia Levus, Ph.D., licensed psychologist, BSFT psychotherapist, and associate professor of Pedagogical Psychology, Ethnopsychology, Psychology of Art at Ivan Franko National University Lviv. She is member of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, the National Psychological Association (Ukraine), the Ukrainian Society of Systemic and Short-Term Psychotherapy. Her research focuses on areas of creativity, self-regulation, self-attachment.

  • Viktoriia Hupalovska, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Universytetska 1, 79000 Lviv, Ukraine


    Viktoriia Hupalovska, Ph.D., Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Associated Professor Department of Psychology Ivan Franko Lviv National University

    Research Interests: psychotherapy, health psychology, sexual scripting, self-realization as a problem of personality development under modern conditions, self-realization of women and men, subjective well-being, psychology of gender, psychology of aggression, psychology of sexuality, psychology of advertising, psychogenetics, psychology of trauma, sexual violence, sexual violence during war.

  • Oleh Salamon , Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Universytetska 1, 79000 Lviv, Ukraine

    Oleh Salamon, priest, licensed psychologist, BSFT psychotherapist, Gestalt psychotherapist, KIM psychotherapist. Assistant of the Department of special education at Ivan Franko National University Lviv. Member of the National Psychological Association (Ukraine), the European Brief Therapy Association (EBTA), Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, the Ukrainian Society of Systemic and Short-Term Psychotherapy and KIM Institute of Ukraine. His research and practice focuses on areas such as biblical studies, spiritual support, trauma psychotherapy, clinical psychology, and psychological assistance to the elderly.

  • Yuliya Yurkiv, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Universytetska 1, 79000 Lviv, Ukraine

    Yuliya Yurkiv, licensed psychologist, BSFT psychotherapist, aspirant of the Department of psychology at Ivan Franko National University Lviv. Member of the National Psychological Association (Ukraine), the European Brief Therapy Association (EBTA), Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, the Ukrainian Society of Systemic and Short-Term Psychotherapy. Her research and practice focuses on areas such trauma psychotherapy, clinical psychology, self-regulation.


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How to Cite

Levus, N., Hupalovska, V., Salamon , O., & Yurkiv, Y. (2022). Brief Solution Focused Therapy in Ukraine to Work with People with Emotional, Cognitive and Behavioural Disorders. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 13(2), 467-484.