Covid-19 Pandemic and Human Rights – Myth or Reality?


  • Miroslav Tvrdoň Department of Social Work and Social Sciences, Constantine the Philosopher University, Tr. A. Hlinku 1, 948 01 Nitra, Slovakia
  • Amantius Akimjak The Catholic University in Ružomberok, Faculty of Theology, Theological Institute, Institute of Sacred Art, Priestly Seminar of Bishop Ján Vojtaššák KU, Spišská Kapitula 12, 053 04 Spišské Podhradie, Slovak Republic
  • Katarina Slobodova Novakova Department of Ethnology and World Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Trnava, Namestie J. Herdu 2, 917 01 Trnava, Slovak Republic
  • Yulia Nickolaevna Biryukova Russian Language Department, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Miklukho-Maklaya 6, 117198 Moscow, Russia



pandemic situation, changes, legislation, hoax, myth, reality


Aim. During the pandemic situation of Covid-19, various true or false information about the spread, treatment, prevention, and vaccination against Covid-19 began to spread in the media, as well as in the real world. It is necessary to fight against various hoaxes on the basis of modern and especially scientifically documented information.

Method. This study addresses human rights and change in society before and during the Covid-19 pandemic situation. The authors of the study worked with specific texts and with the help of literary and textual analysis, as well as analytical and synthetic methods. Basic human rights and freedoms during the pandemic were pointed out, together with various myths which circulate among non-professional individuals

Results. The results of the study confirm that the pandemic situation of Covid-19 requires constant explanation, exploration, and confirmation of professional and scientific studies by experts in the media as well as within the social life of people, just to reject various hypotheses of people who are not experts in the field and who disseminate false and scientifically and technically unsubstantiated information.


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Author Biographies

  • Miroslav Tvrdoň, Department of Social Work and Social Sciences, Constantine the Philosopher University, Tr. A. Hlinku 1, 948 01 Nitra, Slovakia

    Assoc. Professor PaedDr. Miroslav Tvrdoň, PhD. graduated from Pedagogical Faculty in Nitra in 1988. In 1989, he was enrolled in the extended study program of Philosophy at the Comenius University in Bratislava, which he completed in 1994. He was the co-founder of the Department of Ethics, Catholic Ethics and Social Sciences at the University of Pedagogy where he worked as a Secretary and later Deputy Head of Department. In 1996 he founded the Department of Social Work and Social Sciences with the aim to train educated social workers. This year he started giving lectures at the Seminary in Nitra as a teaching assistant, and continued to do so for the next ten years. In 2003, he defended his dissertation thesis and was awarded the PhD degree at the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. In 2006 he defended his habilitation work and earned the Associate Professor title. In the years 2006– 2014 he was nominated Vice-Rector for Public Relations and Social Affairs at Constantine the Philosopher University. He also acted as President of Academic Senate in the years 2014–2018. Since 2014 he became member of the Municipal Parliament in the Nitra Municipality and Vice- President of the Commission for Education, Youth and Sports. Since 2015 he has become member of the Municipal School Council in Nitra and since 2017 he took membership in the Accreditation Committee of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic.   

  • Amantius Akimjak, The Catholic University in Ružomberok, Faculty of Theology, Theological Institute, Institute of Sacred Art, Priestly Seminar of Bishop Ján Vojtaššák KU, Spišská Kapitula 12, 053 04 Spišské Podhradie, Slovak Republic

    Author gradueted at Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia), Faculty of Theology in Catholic Theology, then at Catholic University of John Paul II in Lublin (PL) in Musicology and Church Music and then at the Faculty of Arts in Philosophy of Culture and Arts.

    Habilitated at the Trnava University in Trnava (Slovakia) in the field of History of Culture and Art. He was appointed by President of the Slovak Republic as a professor of Church music. He is a member of the Diocesan and National Liturgical Commission and the Head of the Sacred Music Section, As well as a member in editorial and professional series of magazines.

  • Yulia Nickolaevna Biryukova, Russian Language Department, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Miklukho-Maklaya 6, 117198 Moscow, Russia

    Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Miklukho-Maklaya street, 6 117198 Moscow, Russia

    Biryukova Yu.N., developed an integrative model for teaching students to read, which can be used in the professional activity of translators of professionally oriented texts. The results of this development were reflected in her Ph.D. thesis, which she defended in 2016. Subsequently, the scope of her research work was expanded. Today, Yulia Nikolaevna is actively involved in the problems of professional-communicative training of foreign medical specialists in the context of informatisation of higher education as well as the design, modeling and implementation of a linguo-methodological information environment for continuous professionally oriented teaching of the Russian language to foreign medical students. Yu.N. Biryukova is the author of a large number of articles (55 for the last 5 years), textbooks (5 for the last 5 years), monographs (4 for the last 5 years), which reflect the results of her research activities. The researcher actively participates in various international conferences in order to present the achieved results her research activities. She is the member of Association of Language testers in Europe, the member of Peter’s the Great Academy of Sciences and Arts, the member of Russian society of Russian language and literature teachers (ROPRYAL).


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How to Cite

Tvrdoň, M., Akimjak, A., Slobodova Novakova , K., & Biryukova, Y. N. (2022). Covid-19 Pandemic and Human Rights – Myth or Reality?. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 13(2), 221-230.