Educational priorities in a post pandemic world


  • Aleksander Kobylarek University of Wrocław, Institute of Pedagogy, ul. Dawida 1/3
  • Peter Plavčan Faculty of Social Studies Danubius Academy Richterova 1171 92521 Sládkovičovo, Slovak Republic
  • Taher Amini Golestani Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 D-80539 München, Germany



education, key competences, educational priorities, school


This article attempts to bring together the most important educational priorities which should be taken into consideration when planning education in a world recovering from a pandemic. Some of the priorities discussed here should have already been taken into account during the 20th century, whilst others are completely new and result from changes that have come about in the 21st century, such as increased arrogance, ignorance, authoritarianism, educational insecurity, contempt for nature, confusion and the promotion of the lies under the name of post-truth .

The authors propose a holistic approach to the education process, focused on priorities. In turn, the definition of those priorities should result from the most important problems that affect humanity.


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Author Biographies

  • Aleksander Kobylarek, University of Wrocław, Institute of Pedagogy, ul. Dawida 1/3

    PhD in humanities, assistant professor at the University of Wrocław (Poland) in Departament of Pedagogy, manager of the University of the Third Age in the University of Wrocław up to 2016, author of more than 100 scientific publications, including articles, books, chapters, editor-in-chief of international scientific "Journal of Education Culture and Society" and "Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk (Gardens of Science and Arts).

  • Peter Plavčan, Faculty of Social Studies Danubius Academy Richterova 1171 92521 Sládkovičovo, Slovak Republic

    PhD. graduated at the Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, he received his title professor at the Faculty of Education,  Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia, and his major field of research is the governance and economics education.


    He is a teacher, researcher and manager at the Faculty of Social Studies, Danubius Academy in Sládkovičovo, Slovakia. As a teacher, he leads courses Educational policy, Methodology of research, Adult education and School management. As a manager, he is a rector of the Danubius Academy in Sládkovičovo, Slovakia.  His research is focused on social economy, governance and economics education.

    In the past, he was the Minister of Education in the Slovak Republic, member and President of the EU Council of Ministers for Education, Employment and Youth.

  • Taher Amini Golestani, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 D-80539 München, Germany

    Director of International Institute for Peace and Religions IIPR.IR.  Faculty member of Al-Mustafa International University  Interval Cultural Imam of Germany. Director in General of Peace Union,  

    Post-doctoral candidate of LMU, Munich, Germany. PhD of Culture and Communications

    Scientific Interests: Islamic Advanced Studies. Interreligious and intercultural Expert  


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How to Cite

Kobylarek, A., Plavčan, P., & Amini Golestani, T. (2021). Educational priorities in a post pandemic world. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 12(2), 5-11.