
  • Patrik Maturkanič https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1087-3847
  • Ivana Tomanova Cergetova College of Applied Psychology Akademická 409, 411 55, Terezín, Czech Republic
  • Peter Kondrla Department of Religious Studies Faculty of Arts Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Hodžova 1, 949 74 Nitra, Slovak Republic
  • Viktoria Kurilenko Medical Institute Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Miklukho-Maklaya street, 6 117198 Moscow, Russia
  • Jose Garcia Martin University of Granada, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology, Calle Rector López Argüeta s/n, 18001 Granada, Spain




culture, man, thinking, Universum, soul, death, brotherhood, love


Aim. Presented study deals with the cultural dimension. It analyses external and internal human activities, that are creating the polarity develop values. The aim of the study is to clarify and connect the theoretical level of thinking with the reality of life practice, which shows the true meaning of human existence.

Concept. The study highlights the importance of human thinking and decision making. Through the actions, one develops and creates the values of human dignity. The study focuses on the importance of two dimensions (horizontal and vertical dimensions of man), the relationship of man to God. Human culture includes behavior that can be learned and is shaped by the environment in which one lives. This contribution is  to clarify a culture of thinking that is a reflection of the soul of human being. Since culture is not only a matter of individual dispositions but also of social reality, it is right to underline this dual aspect of the plurality dimension (Binetti et al., 2021).

            Conclusion. The study identifies a fundamental aspect of the culture's values, which show the potential of the soul of every human being. Human values influence thinking and actions of human being, thus creating the image of God.


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Author Biographies

  • Patrik Maturkanič, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1087-3847

    University teacher, philosopher and theologist. After his graduation in philosophy and theology in 1999, he followed up with his postgraduate study at PUaL in Roma. He studied abroad until 2004. In 2007 he successfully finished his PhD. theology study at RKCMBF UK in Bratislava. During the following years, he was teaching in several colleges and universities, and he has also been continuously serving in the Church admini-stration in northern Bohemia. Since 2015 he has been teaching at VSAPs in Terezín, he is Vice-Rector for Science and Research. He is the author of several monographs and scientific articles. In January 2019, he success-fully defended his habilitation thesis, and he was granted the title of Docent (Associate Professor). He is a member of several Czech and peer-re-viewed editorial committees in the Czech Republic and abroad.

  • Ivana Tomanova Cergetova, College of Applied Psychology Akademická 409, 411 55, Terezín, Czech Republic

    Psychologist, mental coach and movement therapist. In the years 2003-2008 she graduated in
    psychology at the Faculty of Arts of the Trnava University in Trnava. Subsequently, she
    continued her postgraduate studies in psychology at the University of Prešov in Prešov, where
    in 2010 she received her doctorate (PhDr.). In 2017, she defended her dissertation (PhD.) in
    the field of social psychology and work psychology. During these years, since 2007 she has
    worked as a lecturer, trainer, hippotherapist and at the same time a project manager in the field
    of education and development. Since 2010 he has been working as a consultant in the field of
    human resources management, project and process management, marketing and psychology.
    During the years 2017-2019, she worked as a academic teacher at the Department of
    Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Trnava University in Trnava and at the detached workplace of
    the Hochschule Fresenius in Banská Bystrica. Since 2018, she has focused on project
    management and process management of EU-funded projects. She also works as a
    professional evaluator in several ministries and in professional agencies operating in the
    Slovak Republic.At the same time, she is engaged in professional psychological practice in
    the field of career guidance and counseling in the field of discrimination on the labor market.

  • Peter Kondrla, Department of Religious Studies Faculty of Arts Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Hodžova 1, 949 74 Nitra, Slovak Republic

    Associate professor, PhD. He is a teacher at the Department of Religious Studies at the
    University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra. His scientific focus and research subjects
    are philosophy of values, history of Christian philosophy, postmodern philosophy, philosophy
    of religion, didactics of religious education, philosophy of religion, values of life and biblical
    studies. He focuses on the philosophical interpretation of biblical texts, specifically on
    revealing the foundations of the European value paradigm in these texts. He emphasizes the
    relationship between knowledge and truth, deals with the possibilities of rational knowledge
    and its limits, specifically in relation to faith, religious texts and religious thinking. He is also
    engaged in the training of teachers of religion, where the main emphasis is on the development of competencies and critical thinking in the interpretation and interpretation of
    the Bible and other religious texts.

  • Viktoria Kurilenko, Medical Institute Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Miklukho-Maklaya street, 6 117198 Moscow, Russia

    Kurilenko V. B., developed an integrative linguodidactic system, which was introduced into the system and process of professional-communicative training of foreign applicants, students, residents and postgraduate students of the Medical Institute of the RUDN University. In 2017 she defended her doctoral thesis on Methodology and methods of continuous professionally oriented teaching of the Russian language to foreign medical students, which describes the results that are currently used in the development of textbooks, educational and methodological and publications, advanced training and professional retraining courses for teachers of Russian language as foreign in the system of additional education of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, or lectures for teachers of the Russian language at the faculty of advanced training for teachers of Russian language as foreign, as well as in the arrangement of methodological seminars and cultural and educational events in Mongolia, China, India, Vietnam, Finland, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Germany, Italy, Spain, Peru, Argentina, Venezuela, Egypt, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Hungary, Greece, Turkey, Morocco, etc. Kurilenko V.B. is the author of more than 180 publications, including 7 monographs, the state educational standard for RFL and requirements (in co-authorship); 4 educational programs (one of which is in English), 6 textbooks, 32 methodological, educational, methodological and teaching aids, scientific articles, abstracts of reports and messages. Kurilenko V.B. regularly takes part in scientific congresses and symposia of Russian society of Russian language and literature teachers (ROPRYAL). such as Theory and practice of Russian studies in the world context (Moscow), Russian language, literature and culture at the turn of the century (Bratislava), Russian language in the modern socio-cultural situation (Voronezh), Russian language and literature in the space of world culture (Granada), including international congresses, scientific and scientific-practical conferences, seminars on ethnopedagogy. She is the member of Association of Language testers in Europe, the member of Peter’s the Great Academy of Sciences and Arts, the member of ROPRYAL, the chief editor of RUDN Journal of Pshycology and Pedagogics.

  • Jose Garcia Martin , University of Granada, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology, Calle Rector López Argüeta s/n, 18001 Granada, Spain

    Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Granada since October 2011, currently teaching Concepts, Theories and Methods in Sociological Research and Introduction to Social Change. He has also organised and directed a Seminar on Søren A. Kierkegaard since 2012, as well as various international events on this author, such as the bicentenary of his birth (2013). He is President of the Hispanic Society of Friends of Kierkegaard (S.H.A.K.), of which he was its promoter and co-founder (2007). He holds a PhD in Philosophy with distinction Cum laudem (2007) and Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the University of Malaga (2012). All his research work has been (and is) related, directly or indirectly, to the work and thought of Søren A. Kierkegaard, of whom he wrote his thesis The Doctrine of the Individual in the Diary of Søren A. Kierkegaard. As a result of this research work, he studied the Danish language in order to be able to translate the original texts of the distinguished Dane. He obtained an official certificate in Danish from the University of Copenhagen (lower intermediate), after receiving a scholarship from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a course at the University of Copenhagen (1996). Research fellow at The Hong Kierkegaard Library, St. Olaf College, Northfield (Minnesota, USA), in August 2009 (Summer Fellow Program). He has also been at the Department of General and Applied Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Constantine the Philosopher University, Nitra, Slovak Republic (September 2010 and February 2019). At this faculty he received the commemorative medal in recognition of his international research work at an international congress held there in 2010. Current lines or focuses of research: Individual and society in Kierkegaard. The socio-epistemic problem of knowledge: ideology, communication and education. Ideology and utopia as factors of social change.



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How to Cite

Maturkanič, P., Tomanova Cergetova, I. ., Kondrla, P., Kurilenko, V., & Martin , J. G. (2021). HOMO CULTURALIS VERSUS CULTURA ANIMI. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 12(2), 51-58. https://doi.org/10.15503/jecs2021.2.51.58