Mediation Principles in the Civil Society and Features of Their Application in the Educational Environment of Ukraine


  • Anzhelika Sheremet I. Malynovskyi Institute of Law of the National University of Ostroh Academy, Ukraine
  • Tetiana Blashchuk I. Malynovskyi Institute of Law of the National University of Ostroh Academy, Ukraine
  • Serhii Ishchuk I. Malynovskyi Institute of Law of the National University of Ostroh Academy, Ukraine



mediation, alternative dispute resolution, principle, rule of law, confidentiality, voluntariness, educational environment, civil society institutions


Aim. The main purpose of research presented in this article is to analyse mediation principles as an alternative way of dispute resolution and features of their application in the educational environment of Ukraine. For which purpose it was necessary to perform the following tasks: - the concept and role of mediation principles were studied; - certain types of mediation principles were defined; - the essence and significance of the most important mediation principles were revealed; - and the application of mediation principles in Ukraine was clarified. In Ukraine, civil society institutions have been trying on their own to introduce and promote mediation as a way of alternative dispute resolution. However, systemic problems of access to justice require finding other ways to resolve conflict situations. Mediation becomes especially relevant in the context of COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, when access to the court system is limited.

Methods. The study is based on the analysis of enacted regulations and their comparison in different countries, as well as information obtained from the study of literature, including works by authors of both legal and other social sciences where mediation is used as a means of compromise, including psychology, medicine, ecology, along with the use of tools and comments specific to the study of law. To study the prospects and effective application of mediation principles in the educational environment, sociological surveys of various participants of the educational process were conducted.

Results. The results of study showed that certain types of mediation principles are applied in different countries taking into account the peculiarities of national legal systems. Notwithstanding, such principles as the rule of law, the principle of equality (equal rights) of the parties, the principle of voluntariness, confidentiality and mediator behaviour (independence and impartiality, trust and justice) are applied in most of the studied national models of mediation, consequently they can be called fundamental. The survey results have revealed the readiness of the educational environment to introduce mediation as a tool for resolving conflicts in the educational environment.  In Ukraine, the draft law “On Mediation” defines general principles of mediation; however, the problem is insufficiently clear criteria for disputes that cannot be transferred to mediation. In addition, the principle of the rule of law should be defined as one of the fundamental principles of mediation.

Conclusions. The specifics of the implementation of mediation principles in Ukraine and their correlation with the principles of the judicial process require further research.



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Author Biographies

  • Anzhelika Sheremet, I. Malynovskyi Institute of Law of the National University of Ostroh Academy, Ukraine

    Graduate student of the Department of Civil and Legal Disciplines of the I. Malinovsky Institute of Law of the Ostroh Academy National University

    I am conducting research on the scientific topic: Mediation in civil legal relations. The purpose of the study is to conduct a comprehensive scientific and theoretical analysis of the development of alternative methods of dispute resolution in Ukraine and the possibility of reconciliation of the parties to the dispute in the courts by reaching a mutually acceptable solution with the assistance of a mediator, as well as to formulate proposals and recommendations for improving legislation in the specified area, creating a scientifically based concept for its further development.

    Together with other researchers and personally prepared a total of 11 articles published in Ukraine and foreign publications.

    Scientific interests: mediation, alternative methods of conflict resolution, protection of rights.

  • Tetiana Blashchuk, I. Malynovskyi Institute of Law of the National University of Ostroh Academy, Ukraine

    PhD (Legal Science), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of I. Malynovskyi Institute of Law of the National University of "Ostroh Academy". Head of a group of researchers on the research topic "Problems of personal non-property and property rights." The purpose of the study is to develop existing research in the field of implementation and realization of personal non-property and property rights in Ukraine. Together with other researchers and personally prepared a total of 20 articles published in Ukraine. Three top-level articles (Q1 and Q2) and two lower-level articles in international journals have also been published. The subject of works develops the direction of realization and realization of personal non-property in Ukraine, in particular in the field of medical law. The study identified problems that arose in Ukraine during the pandemic in the educational environment, showed the development of health care reform in Ukraine, as well as the relationship between private and public interest in the vaccination process.

    Research interests: medical law; the right to life, health and medical care; health care, protection of personal non-property rights.

  • Serhii Ishchuk, I. Malynovskyi Institute of Law of the National University of Ostroh Academy, Ukraine

    Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law by I. Malinowskyi, Independent Director in the Supervisory Board of PJSC ArselorMittal Kryvyi Rih, Lawyer. In 2021 defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Civil society in terms of the European integration development of Ukraine: theoretical and practical aspects”. The dissertation is a research of civil society as a complex system of public relations which is aimed to mobilize and protect private and collective interests of representatives of society in all spheres of public life. The sphere of civil society provides equal cooperation between civil society and the state: the suspension is constructively infused into the processes of suspension and power development. As a result, such type of society constructively influences on the processes of social and state development.

    Research interests: civil society, civil control, civil society institutions.


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How to Cite

Sheremet, A., Blashchuk, T., & Ishchuk, S. (2022). Mediation Principles in the Civil Society and Features of Their Application in the Educational Environment of Ukraine. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 13(2), 231-250.