Third Culture Kids (TCK), Cross-Culture Kids (CCK), Cross-Cultural Transition Care Programme (CCTCP), School Psychologists, Pupil MobilityAbstract
Aim. The study aims to enrich an understanding of how Lithuanian school psychologists perceive the cross-cultural transitional care in the bridging role they are made to play in their schooling contexts in supporting Cross-Culture Kids (CCK).
Methods. The article presents research findings of surveying 200 school psychologists from Lithuania on current practices and challenges Lithuanian schools face in working with CCKs and developing effective and comprehensive school-based Cross-Cultural Transition Care Programmes (CCTCP).
Results. The analysis shows that Lithuanian school psychologists are unfamiliar with CCK concepts and do not feel prepared to deliver CCTC service to migrant pupils and families or CCTC training to their peer teacher and school administration. Issues surrounding migrant integration are alien to many, and many see it as irrelevant to their school contexts, regardless of governmental attempts to integrate returning Lithuanian emigrants in recent years.
Conclusion. The study shows that cross-cultural dialogues—and thus care support—yet need to find space in Lithuanian schools. Through systematic reconsideration, institutions providing educational support and training to key school actors, such as school psychologists, can be better supported. More approachable forms of implementable resources will allow space for schools to negotiate the extent and speed of their involvement, and also provide an arena for cross-cultural narratives and integration care, as they see fit best in their context.
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