
  • Eduard Balashov Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, National University of Ostroh Academy Seminarska Street 2, Ostroh, Rivne Region, 35800, Ukraine
  • Halyna Handzilevska Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, National University of Ostroh Academy, Seminarska Street 2, Ostroh, Rivne Region, 35800, Ukraine
  • Serhiy Shturkhetskyy Department of Journalism, National University of Ostroh Academy Seminarska Street 2, Ostroh, Rivne Region, 35800, Ukraine
  • Oleksii Kostiuchenko Department of Journalism, National University of Ostroh Academy Seminarska Street 2, Ostroh, Rivne Region, 35800, Ukraine
  • Roman Shulyk Department of Journalism, National University of Ostroh Academy Seminarska Street 2, Ostroh, Rivne Region, 35800, Ukraine



journalists’ success in life; professional scripts; axiological component; meaningful life orientations; script settings; personal readiness for change;


Aim. This research aims to theoretically characterize and empirically research the indicators of barriers and resources for journalists’ success in life through the prism of their professional scripts. The focus is on the axiological component of the professional script of media professionals.

Methods. We used theoretical analysis of the psychological works aiming at studying journalists’ success in life, and such methodological instruments as the Lifetime Orienteering Test (Leontiev, 2000); an adapted version of James Crambo’s Purpose-in-Life Test (PIL); Leonard Maholiсk’s Personal Readiness for Change Questionnaire (1993), and Methodology Completeness of Life. Statistical correlation was analyzed with the use of Pearson’s correlation coefficient.

Results. The theoretical analysis and empirical data revealed the correlation between the indicators of sense-of-life orientations and the indicators of personal readiness for change, script settings, perceptions of self, others and life. The results identify psychological barriers, and allocate directions of development of the technologies for optimization of journalists’ success in life.

Conclusions. The results of the study made it possible to distinguish priority values-goals and values-instruments, important in the construction of the architectonics of the axiological component of the journalists’ professional script. The correlation between indicators of journalists’ middle level life-sense orientations and indicators of personal change readiness empirically confirmed a claim that innovative readiness of journalists intensified the process of reaching success in life. Psychological barriers of the cognitive process were stated as script attitudes. The development of technologies for the psychological support of journalists was considered as a prospect for our future studies.


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Author Biographies

  • Eduard Balashov, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, National University of Ostroh Academy Seminarska Street 2, Ostroh, Rivne Region, 35800, Ukraine

    Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy. Dr Balashov’s scientific interests include researching psychological characteristics of student self-regulated learning, cognitive and metacognitive aspects of quality and efficient self-regulated learning. The author has also studied the issues of student self-realization, psychological, emotional and social wellbeing. 

  • Halyna Handzilevska, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, National University of Ostroh Academy, Seminarska Street 2, Ostroh, Rivne Region, 35800, Ukraine

    Recent years scientific interests relates to researching the phenomenon of "life scenario of an individual". In the field of prof. Handzilevska’s scientific interests also lies the period of the life path, sensitive to the creative realization of the life potential of Ukrainian emigrants. Resources and barriers to life success (professional success) of journalists and teachers have been studied by prof. Handzilevska. Particular attention has been paid to the study of factors and conditions of counteracting life exhaustion and professional burnout.

  • Serhiy Shturkhetskyy, Department of Journalism, National University of Ostroh Academy Seminarska Street 2, Ostroh, Rivne Region, 35800, Ukraine

    Associate Professor, Department of Journalism. The main spheres of Dr Shturkhetskyy’s scientific interests are connected with the issues connected with the security of the journalists’ professional activity and their psychological security. The author has also been interested in studying the topics of informational impact and manipulation, spreading fake news in mass media.

  • Oleksii Kostiuchenko, Department of Journalism, National University of Ostroh Academy Seminarska Street 2, Ostroh, Rivne Region, 35800, Ukraine

    Associate Professor, Department of Journalism. Dr Kostiuchenko’s research interests include psychology of mass communications, television journalism, advertising and PR. The author also explores the problem of human rights implementation in the field of journalism, the axiological dimension of advertising discourse and its impact on the formation of personality and society.

  • Roman Shulyk, Department of Journalism, National University of Ostroh Academy Seminarska Street 2, Ostroh, Rivne Region, 35800, Ukraine

    Associate Professor, Department of Journalism. Dr Shulyk’s main scientific interest lies in the sphere of internet media and mediaaxiology. The specific fields of author’s expertise are hyperlocal media, mediaaxiology, data journalism, media and civil society. Roman Shulyk has also taught the related courses in terms of journalism educational programs.


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How to Cite

Balashov, E. ., Handzilevska, H., Shturkhetskyy, S. ., Kostiuchenko, O., & Shulyk, R. (2020). BARRIERS AND RESOURCES FOR JOURNALISTS’ LIFE SUCCESS. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 11(1), 174-185.