New journal. Call for papers


Dear Authors,

 Starting this year, we are launching the promotion of a new journal

“Andragogy, Adult Education and Social Marketing” (AAESM).

Preferred topics for submitting papers are:

-adult human development,

-gerontology and geragogy,

-continuing education/lifelong learning,

-higher education,

-social work,

-human resource management,

-cultural anthropology,

-social marketing,

-educational projects.


Texts should be submitted for pre-selection and review (double-blind) to the Editor-in-Chief at

We accept the text only in English (British English) with structured abstracts, edited according to the rules of APA, and a maximum of 25 pages of standard text (including references).


We anticipate publication of reviewed articles within one month of text submission in the online version. The cost of the publication is 250,- EUR


First authors and correspondence authors who had published texts in JECS up to and including 2024 are exempt from publication fees until the end of 2025.

When submitting an article for publication in ‘Andragogy...’ please include ‘AAESM publication’ in the title of the email.