The Effectiveness of Teacher Professional Development Program on Classroom and Behavior Management: A Systematic Review
professional development, classroom management, behavior management, instructional strategy, teacher educationAbstract
Aim. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of teacher professional development programs in enhancing classroom management and student behaviour control.
Methods. Conducted through a systematic review, this research examines empirical studies published between 2016 and 2022. The focus is on evaluating the impact of professional development programs on teachers' abilities in classroom management and behaviour control.
Results. The findings of the study reveal a positive correlation between participation in professional development programs and improvements in classroom management and behaviour control. Specifically, teachers' knowledge and skills in these critical areas are enhanced through such programs. Furthermore, the research demonstrates positive effects on student performance and achievement as a direct result of improved classroom management.
Conclusion. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by providing empirical evidence of the effectiveness of teacher professional development programs in enhancing classroom management and student behaviour control. By synthesising findings from multiple studies, the research adds depth to our understanding of the relationship between professional development and teacher performance.
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