Marriage vs cohabitation - an alternative or opposition?
An attempt to define cohabitation in opposition to marriage
cohabitation, concubinage, consensual relationship, family, marriage, love, sexAbstract
Informal relationships are very popular in modern times. The number of people choosing marriage is slowly decreasing. The author of the article discerns the similarities and differences between cohabitation and marriage. The author puts forward the thesis that it is impossible to assess whether marriage is superior to cohabitation and vice versa.
The author presents the definitions and legal regulations of marriage and cohabitation. Additionally she lists the types of cohabitation and types of marriage.
Results and conclusion
In times of "liquid postmodernity" one should accept the coexistence of marriage and cohabitation, without assessing which of these forms is better, more beneficial, richer.
Originality/Cognitive value
In the subject literature cohabitation is presented as a short-term relationship, deprived of mutual obligations of partners, based only on sexual attachment and living together. It stands in opposition to marriage, which is as a permanent relationship based on mutual obligations of spouses and a strong emotional bond.
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