The project of the self-assessment descriptors for Czech as a second language


  • Kateřina Šormová Charles University, Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication, Faculty of Arts nám. Jana Palacha 2, 116 38 Prague 1, Czech Republic


Key words: Czech as a second language, self-assessment, descriptor, pilot study, CEFR


The project of the self-assessment descriptors for Czech as a second language

Aim. The aim of the research is to evaluate the set of the self-assessment descriptors for Czech as a second language.

Methods. The subject of the study were 753 descriptors evaluated by 50 teachers and 640 students. They are analysed with the application od quetionaires and controlled interviews. Pilot project tested the methodology to estabilish the difficulty level of descriptors and the ability level of learners.

Results. The analysis shows that some of the descriptors need to be reduced and some of them reformulated.

Conclusion. The analysis shows that many teachers are not sufficiently informed on Czech as a second language, they evaluate the descriptors from the perspective of a foreign language. Another finding is the inexperience of many teachers with the language levels following the CEFR; they label words or grammatical elements as an inappropriate level, but their estimate is very often incorrect. The teachers mark sayings, proverbs and idioms as the most problematic. The students are often able to express the given meaning, but they are shy to speak in a foreign language.


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Author Biography

  • Kateřina Šormová, Charles University, Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication, Faculty of Arts nám. Jana Palacha 2, 116 38 Prague 1, Czech Republic

    Mgr. Kateřina Šormová, Ph.D. (Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague), assistant professor focused on the acquisition of Czech as a first and second language, the use of corpora in teaching (especially learner corpora), reading literacy and language testing.


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How to Cite

Šormová, K. (2018). The project of the self-assessment descriptors for Czech as a second language. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 9(1), 173-180.