
  • MONIKA GROCHALSKA Faculty of Social Science, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Żołnierska Str. 14, 10-561 Olsztyn


gender, informal learning, family, social representations, bias, adult learning, experience, intimate relationships


This article was written as part of the project funded by the National Science Centre allocated on the basis of the decision no DEC-2011/01/D/HS6/02470. It shows how social representations of intimate relationships are shared among women and where  they are  rooted. According to Serge Moscovici, social representations are systems of values, ideas and practices, which allow people in groups to understand each other. Thus women have such a  system, which is created through their entire life within the process of informal learning. During this processes some gender bias is imposed. This bias becomes a part of social representations of intimate relationships and influences practices of „being-in-relationship”. Those practices often do not fit  life situations, contributing to the deterioration of  women’s quality of life . All these processes are analysed on the basis of data taken from focus group interviews (FGI) with women. During interviews women often referred to some shared meanings, which constitute their social representations. Finally, these interviews show, that close relationships are highly affected by gender bias, thus they are full of misunderstandings and internal conflicts. The findings highlight the role played by the social representations in women’s subjective experience of their intimate relationships.


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Author Biography

  • MONIKA GROCHALSKA, Faculty of Social Science, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Żołnierska Str. 14, 10-561 Olsztyn

    Author is an educator and coach, since 2008 she has worked as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Social Science of UWM in Olsztyn. Her research interests are focused on social inequalities in education, especially connected to gender. The author of publications from the fields of pedagogy, sociology and gender studies, including two books in Polish: "Transgressive trajectories. Changes of social status in biographical perspective" (Kraków, 2011) and "Women in intimate relationships. The empirical and critical study" (Warszawa, 2017). She has an extensive experience in training and workshops, as well as in activities of nonprofit organizations (2009-2016 - the CEO of the Association Kofe(m)ina), gained in cooperation with consulting and training companies, entrepreneurs, NGOs, pedagogical and psychological counselling centres, schools and public administration.


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How to Cite

GROCHALSKA, M. (2016). THROUGH THE (NOT SO) PINK GLASSES: GENDER BIAS IN INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 7(2), 158-179.